About Rachel Silvestro

Photo of Rachel Silvestro holding mug that says, "Please do not annoy the writer. She may put you in a book and kill you."

Rachel Silvestro is a writer based in Ohio, USA. In her [often dark] writing she explores themes of identity, morality, relationships, and the human experience.

Rachel holds a bachelor’s degree in creative writing with minors in English and Spanish. Also, she should have gotten some sort of certificate for all the psychology courses she took (without managing to have it all count for anything official somehow). Not salty at all.

In addition to writing, Rachel enjoys long walks on the beach (true), grammar and punctuation, stirring debates, and a nice MLT where the mutton is nice and lean and the tomato is ripe.

Rachel is married to her best friend and is also mother to three young children. A dog and two cats round out the household. Sometimes Rachel hides in her office, which has nothing to do with the previous two sentences…probably.

Pull up a chair. Stay awhile.

Background Photo Credit

Photo by David Babayan on Unsplash

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